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"unabashed in our pursuit of your success"

About Crosworks

Our Philosophy

At Crosworks we believe:

  • Personally fulfilling and good-for-business are not mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Self-awareness is critical to growth as a team member and a leader.
  • Quieting societal noise lets us hear an important voice, our own.
  • No one can speak more clearly and confidently about you than you.
  • By accepting and appreciating you, you can more easily accept and appreciate others.

We know that last statement can sometimes be the hardest to believe, and that it is why we are here. We want to help you gain the awareness, clarity, and confidence to find fulfillment in your career or vocation and improve team and leadership effectiveness.

We seek to turn down the well-meaning voices around you, and dial up you—emboldening your voice to tell your story.



To care for clients and ourselves. We meet vulnerability with kindness, understanding, and action.  Our clients understand they are valued and appreciated.


Take the call. Reach out. Always respond to email. Be truly present in every interaction. LISTEN. These are simple acts of kindness that equate to the most valuable gift one can share — time. The ROI of attention is exponential. It is the investment we make in our clients that ensures our mutual success.


Empower others by first being real ourselves. By demonstrating authenticity, we provide both a meaningful example and the foundation for a real connection with others. It is in this genuine interaction that can accelerate our clients’ own self-discovery, guiding them in their personal career journey.


Trust is the foundation of relationships with our clients. Those who seek our help need never question our commitment to their privacy or our intentions. As true confidants, only with permission and care may we advocate beyond our one-on-one interaction with clients.


The unabashed pursuit of success, whether defined as getting a promotion, achieving balance, or changing paths entirely, should be celebrated and encouraged equally. Though our goals, like our clients,’ will vary, each require courage and hard work to be realized.

Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.

Columbus, OH

6877 N. High Street, Suite 301
Worthington, OH 43085

Orlando, FL

941 West Morse Blvd., Suite 100
Winter Park, FL 32789

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