No one loves a tough day at work. Job-related stress can bring everyone down. But, at the end of the day, it all boils down to how each one of us reacts to pressure. Understanding how you are likely to act in high-pressure situations or simply knowing your stress...
Many employees work 40 hours per week. That is about 2,080 working hours per year. So, on average, we spend approximately 71% of the year working. The real question is how many of us are truly satisfied with our jobs? Gallup’s findings suggest that only a mere 15% of...
Powerful teams thrive on diversity, respect, communication, and a shared vision. Each member’s unique personality is welcomed, and their interests and behaviors are carefully aligned to yield optimum results. As individuals, we bring unique interests, perspectives,...
We see and hear much about self-awareness these days and for good reason. Research shows that when we view ourselves with clarity we become more confident and creative in our actions. Clarity allows us to become better workers and effective leaders with more satisfied...
High-performing teams are collaborative, creative and clear on their goals. They know the what, why, and how of achieving their targets and work with a focused approach. These teams are invaluable and vital to an organization’s success and sustainability. In an...