As a job seeker, you’ve been there – possibly more than once. You may have tirelessly spent hours perfecting your job application. You’ve read and then re-read your application. You’ve finally hit the “apply for this position” button. And then you’ve waited anxiously,...
Powerful teams thrive on diversity, respect, communication, and a shared vision. Each member’s unique personality is welcomed, and their interests and behaviors are carefully aligned to yield optimum results. As individuals, we bring unique interests, perspectives,...
Individual efforts, when meticulously put together, make up what we call teamwork. In today’s day and age, teamwork is integral in the workplace. Organizations thriving in competitive business environments have some of the most brilliant teams – working...
By Rhonda S. Fekete, Crosworks leadership and career strategist People use the expression “burnout” a lot. How do you know if this is what’s happening to you or if you’re already there? All you know is that you feel lousy and have this feeling of being stuck with no...
At work, your mind’s always functioning at full speed. No breaks. You find yourself in a constant high-functioning zone – a place where you’re crowded by stringent deadlines, targets, meetings, follow-ups, reports and team management. You’re always pushing...
Experiencing a layoff or being let go can be devastating. But rule number one is to recognize that layoffs aren’t personal. Keeping your mind focused on the future will help you pull through this difficult period. It’s best to acknowledge any feelings of anger, fear,...