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Once some professionals reach the apex of a successful career, they might begin to wonder what’s next. Should they continue to reach higher at the same company? Or, should they jump ship to another position in the same industry or consider something altogether different? Sticking to what one knows wins out for some. However, taking a leap of faith into entrepreneurship brings others the fresh air they thirst for. 

Matt’s Client Journey

A few years ago, Matt Starkey sought our counsel to help him think through a long-held itch to run his own business. He had achieved a highly successful career in financial services sales and relationship management. However, he felt he could no longer continue to ignore his desire for entrepreneurship. Matt needed a second, external opinion before trusting a decision to strike out on his own.  

Icon of a target markGoal: Matt desired to work with a career counselor to help him confidently assess whether or not he should leave his job and manage his own business. 

icon of hand holding a puzzle pieceServices Engaged: Using the Crosworks Career Assessment and Appraisal program, we explored Matt’s career and life accomplishments. We also reviewed his acquired skill sets and expertise from his work history. Using the Birkman Method, we benchmarked his strengths, interests and ideal work environment against his then current position and the notion of entrepreneurship.  

icon of person at top of mountain with flagOutcomes Realized: The objective executive coaching process ultimately gave Matt the validation and confidence he needed to move forward. Matt also gained important insight into how to surround himself with people who complement his interests and skills in order to set the business on the best path to success. Rather than following the traditional path of resume writing and interviewing, we worked alongside Matt to develop a one-page pitch sheet. The pitch focused on helping potential investors understand what he uniquely and authentically brings to the table.  

Matt’s investment in personal career clarity paid off. After working with Crosworks, he purchased a business, and today he’s his own boss. Matt now is able to seamlessly integrate the valuable professional skills and experience from his former career into building a business with the independence he craved and the financial terms he deserves.    

Career Assessment Services

Are you considering a career change, looking to grow in your current profession or searching for a better fit? At Crosworksour career strategists get to know you and your aspirations, and help you develop an actionable plan for moving forward with clarity and focus. Reach out today to start the conversation. 

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