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What are the Costs and Benefits of the Future Focus Program?

The fees cover all materials and consulting time. That investment pays off many times over, when you consider the cost of each year in college. Estimates of undergraduate fees (tuition, room and board) for the 2015 – 2016 school year totaled $18,600 for public institutions and $38,000 for private institutions (cited by the National Center for Educational Statistics). And prices are rising continually.

My Child’s School Offers Guidance for College Selection. How Does This Differ?

Our process complements the work of the guidance staff and other college advisors. Because we focus on career direction—and the corresponding academic majors, we help students narrow down their college choices to a manageable set. Our staff can also shed light on trends for specific employment sectors, ensuring the student has all the facts before making important decisions about their future.

What is the Birkman Method® Test?

This is the premier tool for matching human behavior with occupational strengths. From the student’s responses to a single questionnaire, the Birkman Assessment® reveals what motivates and interests that student, how they relate to others, and what constitutes their best-fit environment–that is, what kind of situation they need in order to be productive and work effectively.

Aren’t There Similar Instruments Available for Free on the Web?

You can find numerous “free” assessments on different websites. For example, the Princeton Review Career Quiz has a free, mini-version of the Birkman Method®. However, the full benefit of this tool can only be attained with the entire, comprehensive version. In addition, the results are only accurate when interpreted by a trained, certified Birkman Consultant.



Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.

If you are a student or have a student that could use some support when making decisions, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You never know if you never ask!

Columbus, OH

6877 N. High Street, Suite 301
Worthington, OH 43085

Orlando, FL

941 West Morse Blvd., Suite 100
Winter Park, FL 32789

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