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You’re a new person at work, and you’ve been having trouble adjusting. You’re driving home after a long day, replaying conversations in your head. You play back the conversation you had with a colleague. She doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with you. You ponder the conversation you had with the project manager. You always seem to be even more confused after those conversations end. If something doesn’t change, this job not only may become unbearable but there could be consequences regarding the security of your position. In comes an idea: meet with a career coach, someone who is trained to help you succeed in your career and workplace. Here are some of the ways they can help in your situation.

Inspiring Self-Awareness

How they do it:

By conducting strategic discussions and assessments to identify the most nuanced and specific details of what you need in the workplace to succeed and your work habits.

What you can take away from it: 

Knowledge of your own methods of problem-solving, preferred communication and values, in order to understand where your qualities end and others’ begin.


Encouraging growth

How they do it: 

By regular coaching and mentoring in areas where you aren’t as confident, as well as those that will help you develop in a particular setting. 

What you can take away from it:

Systems and strategies that you can utilize every day to help you be at peak productivity while building rapport with your co-workers and leaders. 

Modeling empathy

How they do it:

By being an example of listening intently and showing conflict management skills.

What you can take away from it:

Strategies for communication that help you to communicate more effectively both one-on-one and in groups. 

Career coaches are valuable resources to assist in developing cohesion with your team. By helping you to be more self-aware, providing counsel and modeling empathy, you’ll be on track to work well with your colleagues in no time.

Need help finding the best career coach for you? Say no more. We have a team of professional career coaches with various backgrounds and we can find the best match for you during a brief, non-binding phone call.

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