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At Crosworks Career and Talent Strategists, we have an experienced, professional team of executive, leadership and career coaches. Each has a unique background that brings well founded insights to their coaching-client relationships.

This month, we’d like you to meet Scott Treadwell, leadership and career strategist, and hear directly from Scott about what led him into becoming a career coach and how it feels to help others find their path.


Scott: My interest in career coaching began when I was responsible for running a large marketing department. I noticed some highly skilled people were not succeeding in their roles; it was clear that they weren’t in the right job. I spent a lot of time observing their behaviors and actions, trying to determine if there was a better spot for them. Using support of data from aptitude testing and personality assessments, I would formulate a plan to help them find a new spot. Sometimes this approach worked and, unfortunately, sometimes it didn’t.

During a time of my own career transition, I discovered The Birkman Method™ and it revealed something very interesting. My penchant for helping people find the right career path could be a career unto itself. In fact, The Birkman™ assessment is an excellent resource for helping find that path.

My favorite aspect of coaching is working with people who don’t believe they’ll find the right job. Seeing things “click” for a client when they find a path that best suits them is very exciting and rewarding for me, too.

Choosing Crosworks for a career assessment requires a lot of commitment, focus and effort on the part of a client. The results vary. Often, clients change careers. However, sometimes clients continue their current work and are able to utilize the insights they have gained to better manage their career.

In the end, the greatest value in coaching is helping clients understand more about their interests and motivations. We put so much of ourselves into our work, it sure seems that we should enjoy it as much as possible.  


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