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Chaos. Confusion. Frustration. Uncertainty. Anxiety. Fear. Danger.   

Connection. Community. Clarity. Adaptability. Hope. Opportunity.

…words heard as news around the world reveals stories and data about the spread of COVID-19.

The Chinese symbol for crisis is made up of two ideographs; one means danger, the other means opportunity. This symbol is a reminder that we can choose to view crisis as a negative experience or as a window into possibilities. I believe that while this crisis brings new and unforeseen challenges, it is also an opportunity to see the best of human nature, people rising to the occasion.

My family’s pace is hurried and our schedule is normally active – volleyball, field hockey, community boards, work travel, band, choir, networking events, and more. However, we are now co-working in our home, side-by-side, all day. We communicate, compromise, plan and share our feelings in ways we often missed as we scurried from activity to activity during more “normal” times. We are playing games, sharing homemade meals and discovering new ways to connect with friends and neighbors. I participated in a super fun, virtual happy hour where we shared stories and laughed for over an hour straight. People are reaching out to check on at risk neighbors and helping feed underprivileged children. People are slowing down, reaching out to friends, finding time to think and talk. Something good will come from this crisis.

Over the next several weeks, we will share insights that acknowledge the danger and fear while also offering suggestions on how to navigate your career with clarity, focus, adaptability and positivity during these tumultuous times. We’ll share how to productively use this time of isolation to develop your career plan, prepare for a video or phone interview, lead with calmness and connection, and more. We’ll also be retooling our approach so we can help our clients where they are… often at home.

If you have something specific that you’d like us to address, post on our Facebook page, reach out via LinkedIn or send us a note to We want to help you achieve success. It’s what we do.

Wishing you and your families safety, peace and good health.


Crosworks | Owner | Lead Coach | Talent Strategist

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