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Finding the Next Chapter in Your Career 

After you’ve been in the workforce for a number of years, a career change is an amazing opportunity to reinvent yourself, create meaningful new opportunities and experiences, and grow and evolve into the best version of yourself. At Crosworks, we specialize in helping clients enter the Next Chapter in their career through our  Next Chapter program.  Next Chapter is perfect for those considering a later-career job change or transition to find the “fit” that may have eluded them, individuals looking to leverage their experience to become an entrepreneur, later-career job seekers due to unexpected events or individuals ready to “undo” a too-early retirement. Here’s how we can help you open the door to new opportunities through the Next Chapter process.

Private, Confidential, and Engaging Sessions With an Experienced Career Strategist

Our Next Chapter program gives you the opportunity to have individual strategy sessions with an experienced Crosworks career strategist. During these sessions, we’ll identify your strengths and weaknesses, help you develop SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) and identify both the roadblocks on your road to success, and the tools you need to overcome these roadblocks.

Reviews and Assessments of Goals, Skills, and Progress

We use assessments and exercises proven to identify areas of weakness and experience, as well as those meant to uncover hidden interests, challenges, and behaviors. These assessments and exercises will help you focus on key elements of your Action Plan, while moving on from actions and behaviors that aren’t constructive or sustainable. We also provide regular feedback on your progress so you can stay on the right track.

Development of an Action Plan for Success

We’ll help you leverage your experience, strengths, and skills into a plan for success as you embark on a new career. Once you’ve developed your personal Next Chapter Action Plan, we’ll walk you through creating a roadmap to achieving everything in your plan.

Follow-Up Consultations if Needed

Even after your Next Chapter coaching sessions are over, we still can provide follow-up consultations, if needed. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you move forward in your next chapter.

If you’re ready to embark on an empowering journey towards career success and want some assistance along the way, contact Crosworks to learn more about our career coaching program. To learn more or set up a consultation, just contact us online or call us today at 614- 538-2808.

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