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Asking for help isn’t always easy, particularly in the workplace. Yet, doing so is often crucial to ensure you’re able to fulfill your employer’s expectations. Many managers are receptive to employee requests, as they understand the value of making sure employees have the resources they need to do their job well. However, you may still be a little nervous about asking your employer for the support you need. It is helpful to be thoroughly prepared for the conversation.

Determine if you already have what you need.

Sometimes, when professionals run into obstacles, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. Before approaching your employer about the issue, you should first make sure that you cannot solve it using the means already available to you. For instance, let’s say you need to hire another member for your team. Before approaching your supervisor about expanding the budget, check to see if the budget already allows for a new hire.

Identify exactly what you need and what you’ve already tried.

Depending on the issue you’re experiencing, you may already know exactly what sort of support you need. However, other circumstances may be less clear. Your manager will be better positioned to give you the support you need if you can clearly articulate the problem you are trying to solve.

Develop a list of options.

Outline a list of the possible solutions you’ve already explored. And, highlight any learnings, risks, pros and cons associated with these solutions. This will show your supervisor that you have indeed tried to resolve the problem on your own, and it can allow them to make more insightful suggestions.

Then create a menu of options that your manager can choose from to resolve the issue. For instance, if your team is running behind schedule on a project, Option A might be to inform the client and offer a discount or other perk. Option B might be to temporarily reassign similarly skilled professionals from a different team to your team.

When you consider asking Crosworks for help with your career, our career strategists will work collaboratively with you to help you to find greater clarity in your current career or to decide whether it’s time for a transition. Our programs are designed to be applicable for professionals in all stages of their careers. Contact us today to request a consultation with a career strategist.

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