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Driving home from work one day, you let your mind wander. A question comes to mind as you sit at a red light. What will my job consist of at the end of 2024? The answer to this question may induce stress and worry. But being able to take action to ensure that the result of 2024 is a career you love might be as simple as being aware of your own skills. Here are some tips for being self-aware of your skills in 2024.

Take skill assessments regularly.

When was the last time you took a personality assessment like the DISC or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)? The insight you gained from that assessment might still be true today, but skills are different from personalities, and both evolve. For this reason, it can be extremely helpful to commit to taking skill assessments every year or even every quarter.

Thousands of skill assessments exist on the web. At Crosworks, we have a number of overarching assessments in our toolbox but the one we use most frequently is The Birkman Method for very specific reasons. Regardless of which assessment you take and where you take it, set a goal to take an assessment and do it. And, if you’re proud of the results, you can even share them in a resume or interview. This will show your focus on self-awareness and growth.

Consult with a mentor or coach.

Feedback and constructive criticism are some of the most helpful resources for determining your skills and strengths. If you have a coach or mentor in your field, these people can help you uncover some of the skills you may be overlooking. If you don’t have a coach or mentor, consider finding one through a career coaching service, such as Crosworks. This can be a concise and straightforward way to start becoming more self-aware of your strengths. 

Be a lifelong learner.

It’s easy for someone to label themself a lifelong learner. Taking a proactive approach to being one is a different story. Lifelong learning can, and should, consist of scheduling time each week to do things such as reading the latest research in your field, consulting with a mentor or expert in your field,  or exercising creativity to improve the systems used in your current role.  Engaging in professional development exercises can be the difference between saying you’re a lifelong learner and doing the things that make you one. 

Next Steps?

Set your goals. Take an assessment. Designate time in your week for professional development. And, last but not least, seek opportunities for the career that you want. If you’d like some help assessing your career and/or getting started, reach out to Crosworks and explore the services we offer to individuals. You also can schedule a complementary call to ask questions and to learn more.


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