Is the Great Resignation real? If so, can I write my own ticket for exactly what I want out of a job position?
What areas should I look at to utilize my skills and get hired quickly?
Do I need to disclose my Covid-19 vaccine status on my resume?
If you are looking for a new position in today’s current workforce climate, there may be questions and uncertainties clouding our judgment and holding us back from looking at all the opportunities that are out there. Knowing where to go, what questions to ask, what questions will be asked of us, and what information to give, can have us second-guess our strategy when it comes to our job search. At Crosworks, we believe that every employee, at any level, can and should do work that both moves the organization forward and provides personal fulfillment. With that in mind, we organized a webinar with an amazing panel to help individuals, as well as organizations, get a glimpse into the current job market and gather intel on what talent to look for and what to expect when applying.
Our Panelists
- Karen Jenson | Senior Executive of Talent Sourcing with Bayer. Karen joins our panel with a look at her hiring strategies from the company standpoint, discussing what she looks for in a candidate, experiences she has had from the hiring side of the interview table, and insights from her black belt credentials in social talent sourcing.
- Mandy Bosse Medve | Director of Recruiting for Forge Biologics. Mandy joins us in discussions of staffing for a newer company, tactics on screening applicants on innovative and invisible attributes, and provides information on what she looks for when searching for her next candidate offline or online.
- Bill Owad | President of Global Recruiters of Dublin. Bill provides an external perspective, working with organizations to help them find talent within the scope of multiple companies. Bill shares experiences of his own and gives advice on interviewing, marketing yourself, networking, and what he is seeing in the job market today.
The Great Shift
We asked our panelists several “hot topic” questions, one of which was regarding the Great Resignation. This phenomenon has been discussed since the introduction of Covid-19, remote work tolerance, and hybrid work models. All panelists agreed that the Great Resignation is affecting industries differently, depending on the function and the level of talent. Our three panelists acknowledge that in their field, they are seeing more of a Great Shift than a Great Resignation. When one company is losing good talent, another company is acquiring good talent. Opportunities are vast and people are focusing on what they want and what is important to them, sometimes causing them to shift positions. So, companies need to ask themselves, why is my talent leaving? How do I create opportunities to gain new talent and keep it?
Finding Talent
Our panelists are seasoned in acquiring new talent and seeking out possible candidates. We were excited to ask them their opinions and take a glimpse into their minds when hiring for their company or helping others find that perfect fit. First off, we asked the debated question, “Do candidates need to disclose their vaccination status on their resume or on LinkedIn?” The world has changed over the last two years, and vaccination status is becoming a requirement for certain organizations, especially within the medical field. Mandy chimed in on this topic, confirming her business does require vaccinations to gain employment. However, as the director of recruiting, Mandy does not expect to see vaccine status on resumes or on LinkedIn profiles. Bill and Karen agreed and do recognize that while it may come up in the application and/or interview process, and you should be prepared to discuss it, it is not necessary to publish it on your resume.
An applicant can look amazing on paper, but then comes the interview process, where one really needs to sell themselves. In addition to having the hard skills needed for the position, all three panelists look for what we call “invisible attributes” including things like empathy, kindness, humility, and patience. Because they are invisible, recruiters and interviewers look for these traits through a candidate’s storytelling. By asking questions about experiences and examples of past issues and connecting on a more personal level, these invisible attributes will surface for the interviewer to see.
Social Media and Networking
While social media sites like LinkedIn have become crucial tools for recruiting, hiring and finding a position, there are some key tips our panelists presented to avoid negative usage of these sites while trying to market yourself appropriately.
- Find and promote your personal brand
- Use a professional profile picture
- Do not overshare, but make sure your profile is not too lean
- On your profile, focus on the who, the how, and the why
- Only make genuine connections do not play the numbers game
- Before applying for a position, look through LinkedIn to see if you have a connection in that organization – referrals bring your resume to the top of the pile
The convenience of social media is hard to discount, but all three panelists say that in-person networking is still a huge asset to managing and furthering your career. Attending events where you can meet a new connection (that can then be connected to online) and growing your network will really help overall. Taking a few moments each month to reach out to a person and see how things are going in their position and industry could open you up to opportunities and help you to find that position you have been dreaming of.
Job Search Advice
Before wrapping up our webinar, we asked each person what advice they would give to those of us looking for that shift, or the next great opportunity. This is what they had to share:
Mandy – “It’s a unique time and a candidate-driven market. Take a step back, re-evaluate, prioritize and figure out what is important to you and then go and find it.”
Karen – “I agree. Take stock – there is a lot out there. Just keep moving forward. Every time you interview, view that as making the cut – you got the interview! Just keep moving forward.”
Bill – “The word that came to my mind is focus. What are you best at? What are you confident in? What do you have fun doing? Ask yourself how you can create value for that organization.”
Visit our webinar link to hear the entirety of the conversation today at Hear from Top Expert Recruiters – a webinar facilitated by Crosworks and contact Crosworks to help you get started on your journey to being noticed in the existing job market and finding career clarity and career happiness.