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Looking for a unique and purposeful way to celebrate the graduates in your life? Something to last a lifetime, or at least longer than a pen, iPad or luggage? Why not consider our expanded our Future Focus© programs?

  • Future Focus I©, is designed for high school students and recent grads. Leveraging the Birkman® Method Career Focus Report, students will leave with significantly increased self-awareness relative to the world of work, including insight into their work motivators. This program consists of two personalized sessions for $400.00, including materials.
  • Future Focus II©
    College students and recent college grads seeking direction and tools to manage their career will find value in Future Focus II©. This three-session, individualized assessment process provides clients with the additional benefit of personalized occupational data, including the effect of interests on career choice and work-related values and drivers. Clients will receive The Birkman® Method Advanced Report and the Crosworks Career Management Template©. The fee for this program is $875.00 including materials.
  • Need More? Your grad may also need coaching on resume writing and Job Search Strategies. We can help! Add this two-session service for an additional $250.00.

Call us at 614.538.2808 or email us by .

The student’s commitment to self-discovery and career exploration is essential to the success of this process. We look forward to helping your student prepare for the future.

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