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Soft Skills to Develop So You’re More Hirable 

When you’re building your resume and entering the job market, you’re probably most focused on outlining your education, work history, and specialized professional skills. While these are all important considerations, you should also recognize the importance of soft skills. These are social and personal skills that help set you apart from other candidates and give you an edge in the job market. Coming out of the pandemic, you may feel that your social skills are lacking, so it can be beneficial to develop or redevelop the following. 


You may not think that negotiation skills make you more hirable.  Initially knowing how to negotiate can help you leverage a higher salary and better benefits. However, being able to negotiate can help you not only better demonstrate your worth when a job offer is on the table but it also can be a beneficial skill in daily work life. Particularly, in client-facing positions, such as sales or customer service, being able to negotiate means being able to effectively solve problems and evaluate and maneuver through a situation with multiple viewpoints in mind. 


Networking is a skill that can help land those interviews in the first place. It is the process of building your professional connections. While many people have shifted to the digital space for this task, it still is incredibly important to build face-to-face connections. Attending trade shows, conferences, workshops, and lectures can provide opportunities to not only build professional skills but also mingle with peers and industry thought leaders. If you don’t have these opportunities in your profession, you also can gain these skills in social environments through volunteerism.

Social Stamina

Many people are returning to work after a long period of unemployment or remote work. As a result, they may feel fatigued and worn down by the social exposure of a full day at the office. Rebuilding social stamina is essential for staying engaged during long hours at work, and it may involve prioritizing more self-care and creative endeavors during downtime. 

Public Speaking 

Public speaking is a common fear for many people, but it’s also an incredibly valuable skill in the workplace. While you may not need to worry about speaking in front of full arenas, you should work to feel more comfortable talking to crowds, running meetings, and speaking in job interviews. Taking steps, such as striking up more conversations in public during your daily routine and rehearsing speaking in front of a mirror, can help build confidence in communicating.

Conversational Intelligence

To improve conversational intelligence, one should practice active listening, ask open-ended questions, and use “powerful pauses” to allow for reflection and deeper understanding. It’s also important to be aware of one’s own biases and assumptions and to be open to learning from others. By improving conversational intelligence, individuals can become more effective leaders and collaborators.


Whether you are just entering the workforce or pivoting your career, Crosworks can help you achieve your career goals and build those important soft skills to help you land your dream job. Explore our individual programs in career assessment, interview coaching, resume writing, and more.

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