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The Value of Human Connection: Getting to Know Your Employees

In the era of the Great Resignation, employers need to think about solutions for staff retention and employee satisfaction. While decent salaries and benefits packages are part of the equation, there are other aspects of job satisfaction employers must consider. For many employees, simply feeling valued as an individual can go a long way. Yet, as your company grows, it may be challenging to get to know your employees on a personal level. Activities like work luncheons, team-building activities and even water cooler conversations can go a long way, and they may have long-term benefits for your company culture.

Personal connections can build a more positive work environment

Although we spend many hours of our lives at work, we all have commitments and interests outside the workplace. Taking an interest in what your employees do outside the office can make them feel valued, which inspires a more positive work environment. When employees feel good about their work, they tend to get more done. Therefore, investing time in team building can pay off with increased productivity during working hours.

Understanding employees’ interests can help you leverage their talents

When you know what your employees do outside the office, you may discover talents you didn’t know they had. In turn, you can play to those talents with new tasks and projects. Employees don’t always list every one of their skills on their resumes, so simple conversations can go a long way in revealing talents you can leverage to improve your company.

Getting to know your employees offers space for open communication and feedback

Offering an environment for open communication about your employees’ personal lives can create a space where employees feel more comfortable sharing feedback about how your company operates. Are you seeking ways to maximize the potential of your team? Crosworks Career Strategists can lend 30 years of insight to your organization with team engagement, meeting facilitation, executive coaching and more. Contact us to learn how we can help you reach your goals.

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