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You like your job but you definitely see ways that your organization can improve. While you have specific ideas on what should be done, this doesn’t seem to be a priority of leadership.  

Well, you’re in luck. Even without a formal manager title, you have the power to set new standards and to increase the effectiveness of the organization. You can learn more about a career path with expanding influence through Crosworks’ career assessment but, for now, let’s explore immediate strategies to elevate your influence within your team and organization.


Become a champion of collaboration. Look for opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across departments, share ideas, and contribute to cross-functional projects. There may even be a side project worth exploring with your peers. Collaborative efforts build relationships, foster teamwork, and showcase your ability to work effectively across diverse teams.

Go with the Flow

Embrace innovation and new systems. Stay curious about emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in your industry. Talk with co-workers about how they learn about and train for new developments. If you can stay on top of the game in this regard, you’re likely to become a major contributor to your organization. You may even be the person that your department asks to improve systems within your organization (a major resume builder, too)!

Notice Problems and Design Solutions

Be a proactive problem-solver. Stay observant to areas that cause you and others to get frustrated or make mistakes. When you identify issues, write them down. Brainstorm ways that this issue could be overcome. Finally, without inappropriately overstepping boundaries, execute the necessary steps to make that idea become a reality. Proactive problem-solving demonstrates major leadership potential.

If you’d like to assess your career and explore ways you can have influence in your workplace – or maybe even begin leadership training, a Crosworks certified career coach can help. Take a minute to schedule a brief introductory phone call to learn more. You’ll get a sense for how you can move forward and make a lasting impact on your professional journey.

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