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Crosworks recently hosted a Next Chapter webinar to discuss planned and unplanned approaches for retirement. We believe that retirement isn’t simply an ending, but an opportunity for a new beginning. It can enable professionals to apply their expertise in exciting new ways, allowing them to follow new dreams. If you weren’t able to attend our webinar, here’s a brief recap for you. You can also view the webinar in its entirety below.



Your Passion and Dreams

Those approaching retirement and those who are recently retired all tend to ask one question: “What now?” You may find yourself confronted with the “What now?” question even if you had a plan for retirement in place, but now find yourself less than enamored by it. Your retirement is your opportunity to pursue your dreams and passions in life. Rather than being intimidated by the broad expanse of time in front of you, start thinking about your priorities.

Create a list, writing down everything that matters to you in life. If, at the end of your life, you were to write a list of your major accomplishments, what would you like to be on it? Talk to your significant other, if applicable, about your dreams. As your dreams take shape, start thinking about what it would take to accomplish them. Marry your passion with drive, and take one step forward at a time, always keeping your options open.

Practical Financial Matters

Dreams shouldn’t be your only consideration. Start thinking about your financial needs. Will you need to work a part-time job during retirement in order to make ends meet or to delay the point at which you’ll start drawing from your retirement savings? Would you consider joining the gig economy, by becoming a freelance driver for a ridesharing company or such? 

Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur who is making plans to sell your business ahead of your retirement. Right now is the time to start thinking about how to maximize its value so you can sell it for the most possible profit.

Last Thoughts

No matter where your dreams take you during your retirement, it’s best not to make too many major life changes all at once. After making a major change, give it six months or so to see what happens before considering a new change. Keep your old professional contacts, as well, as these can prove invaluable in surprising ways.

Lastly, our panelists recommended some books for further reading:

  • “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
  • “You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar” by David Sandler and David Mattson
  • “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth


Are you planning for your next chapter or do you have employees who could use some guidance on retirement planning? Contact Crosworks today to request an appointment with our career strategists. We believe that every employee’s personal fulfillment and every company’s success are two sides of the same coin, and we work to facilitate both.

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