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This is an interesting question during this time in our history. The virus is spreading. We are working at home and staying out of crowds. Restaurants and bars, even gyms and salons are closed. However, if you’re in a job search, about to embark on one, or concerned about the future of your current job and team, what do you do?

This crisis is stressful. This is not what we expected. When our expectations are not met, we naturally experience STRESS,

You can WIN by focusing on What’s Important Now to manage your stress.

As you progressed through their coaching program with Crosworks, you completed the Birkman questionnaire and had a feedback session with your coach. As you developed your Dashboard, you outlined what you expect in your work environment. These items were taken from your Birkman Report Stress Management Pages. These pages are worthwhile reviewing. I have no doubt you’ll find yourself demonstrating one or more of the described behaviors.

What’s important now? Review your Dashboard and the Stress Management pages from your report. You can find a helpful nugget or a suggestion to help you with the stress you are facing at this time. If you’re report is not handy, please don’t worry. Reach out to me ( or any Crosworks coach, and we are happy to provide these pages for you.

You also might remember the Birkman Map. This Map highlights your Interests with an Asterisk, your usual behavior with a Diamond, your Needs with a Circle and Stress behavior in a Box.

Based upon your Needs and Stress symbol () here is quick refresher based solely on color. It’s high level worthwhile for a quick review.

• You might dismiss family and coworkers’ feelings or just be busy for busies sake.
• You need progress reports, quick decisions and something to do. “Busy hands are happy hands.” Build a checklist and complete the items.

• You might become domineering and distrustful of others.
• You need to talk this out for direction and clarity. Although you prefer to know the outcome of a situation that may be a challenge today. Perhaps it’s best to take one day at a time. What can you accomplish today?

• You might insist that the rules be followed or may be taken in while you’re insisting on following the rules.
• You need a process to follow and detailed instructions. There appears to be a lot of information about what to do like wash your hands long enough to sing happy birthday twice. Outline your plan for keeping healthy.

• You might ignore others and see the worst possibilities.
• You need reassurance that this too shall pass. Talk it out with family and friends and reflect on past situations you have encountered. What was the outcome? Perhaps there have been more positive outcomes than negative.

What’s Important Now? Self-knowledge and awareness are helpful tools in dealing with this challenging situation. You can WIN by addressing your stress and taking active steps to manage it.

Reset your expectations. It will take some time for us to get through this, but we will. The end date is, “We don’t know, but it will come.”

In my next article, What’s Important Now Part II, I will suggest you review your Interests, identified by the star or asterisk (*) on your map. It’s another way to better manage your stress by helping you to manage you. Your Birkman report may but not give you all the answers but it’s a great start. Understand your behaviors and how you best can manage it during these times. Don’t hesitate to ask interpretation questions. We realize you don’t live your daily life with your Birkman in hand.

Speaking of hands, please wash them. It’s What’s Important Now, too.

Wishing you good health, both physically and mentally,

Celia Crossley

Crosworks | Founder, Career & Talent Strategist
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