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Where Do Wellness and Leadership Intersect?

Strong leadership means more than following processes, meeting deadlines and accomplishing goals. Effective leaders remain resilient and flexible in the face of rapid change and pressure—both of which are abundant in today’s social and economic climates. With the instability of the economy and changing expectations among workers, it’s more important than ever to maintain leadership capable of enduring challenges and adapting to change. That endurance and resiliency is built upon a foundation of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. 

Effective Leaders Implement Thoughtful Wellness Initiatives 

Studies show that organizations that promote wellness initiatives maintain higher morale and engagement among employees, along with reduced absenteeism. Wellness initiatives not only cover physical health but also support mental health with resources for behavioral health and substance use concerns. In addition, leadership should promote clear boundaries regarding expectations of employees to step away from work during evening hours, vacations and weekends. These boundaries create room for self-care, which supports individual wellness and ultimately drives organizational success. 

Company-wide Wellness Starts at the Top

Wellness initiatives are most effective when they are led by positive examples in upper management. A popular saying sheds wisdom on the need for strong, healthy leaders, “Managers do things right and leaders do the right things.” That means that effective, capable leaders maintain a balance in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness in order to perform in the face of stress and adversity. With this strength in company leadership, employees gain a powerful example of the benefits of participating in wellness initiatives. Additionally, leaders who invest in their personal wellness are more likely to have strong empathy and compassion, allowing them to identify when their teams are feeling stressed, burned out or overwhelmed. 

Self-Care Looks Different for Each Person

Even with the option of wellness programs, self-care for employees is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Each person must find ways to protect their own well-being and happiness. Structuring and prioritizing good habits for self-care will help enormously, particularly during stressful times. How can you help your team (and yourself) focus more on meeting individual, personal needs? 

Although wellness is an important quality in leaders, it is not often emphasized in leadership training programs. Crosworks can help foster wellness in your leadership. One way that we can do this is through a workshop entitled Building Leadership Capacity Through Wellness. Learn more about how we can tailor this workshop to your organization’s culture and other opportunities to help your organization thrive by visiting our website. 

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