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It is just about November, which means that our surroundings are changing. October is a transitionary month, and is all about change. Change can have a negative connotation as put by Arnold Bennett, “Any change, even for the better, is accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” Especially when change derives from outside sources, we can feel uncomfortable with the lack of control over our future and position, but there are also many reasons to welcome change, and even look forward to it.

Change can come in many forms, but we want to focus majorly on change in the workplace. This can also be varied – change can be introduced at work from many sources: upper management, a coworker, the economic climate… a company deals with many different publics, and change can come from any! Thus, the first thing that an employee must learn in order to take advantage of change is that it cannot always be anticipated – and that’s okay. An employee must accept that at times things will not go according to plan, and most of these times, it will be completely out of their control. The good thing is, everyone has to deal with this reality. No one person has complete control over their situation, so it really comes down to response and action to change, in order to benefit from it.

Once an employee has accepted that change is a factor of the work environment, and a part of being a member of the market, they can move forward to the preparation and response to change. This majorly comes down to one thing: perception. Roger Birkman agrees:

“The reality of life is that your perceptions – right or wrong – influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective on your perceptions, you may be surprised by how many other things fall into place.”

The attitude an employee carries about change in their life impacts how they deal with new surroundings and opportunities, and will ultimately make or break a person in the midst of changing circumstances. We offer six tips for building resilience to change:

  1. Positive Mindset

    • Focus on the good. Recognize positive aspects in your life and praise them daily. Set an intention every morning, and find happiness in everyday blessings!
  2. Growth Mindset
    • Think back on any growth period in your life: how did it begin? Ultimately, change is what leads to growth. Begin to shift your mindset to see it as such. Journaling about changes, a-ha moments, and new knowledge is a great way to honor the new journey you are on.
  3. Flexible Thinking
    • Sometimes change is uncomfortable, remember to expect this discomfort and grow flexible to it, so that you can eventually benefit from the change. Move away from “black and white” terms, such as “either/or” and “good/bad” and instead move toward flexible thinking.
  4. Risk-taking
    • Every day, do something that is a tiny bit out of your comfort zone: try new restaurants, new places, meet new people, sleep on the other side of the bed. Embrace the uncertainty by focusing on the experiences and knowledge you will gain by doing something new.
  5. Structure
    • Structures and systems create order during chaotic times. Find areas in your life where you can create effective structures and systems. This can be as easy as cleaning your room, or changing up your diet.
  6. Openness to Help

    • You are not a superhuman; it’s impossible to do everything by yourself. List the resources you already have and the ones you want. Create a support network that you can reach out to, and remember to be grateful and reciprocate that support the best way you can.

Once you are better equipped to deal with change, you will truly see it in a positive light: as a catalyst for growth. As Charles Kettering said,

“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.”

Especially in the realm of employment, progress would be impossible without change; consider your favorite company or product – there was a time when it was considered a new development, a risk, and a change to the status quo. The same is true of our own personal development. Without change, we are not given the ability to improve and test our boundaries. Check out this short video detailing the changes that have brought about huge societal impacts, that we may have begun to take for granted:

When change comes along in your workplace, do not take cover; rather, face new circumstances with confidence and positivity, and it could be the best thing to come.

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