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Headshot expert and guess blogger, Barb Schwartz, from Headshots Columbus shares her perspective.

Your headshot, especially on job search websites such as LinkedIn, is the first thing people will see about you. It can open the door to business connections or help you land your dream job. We’ve had so many clients tell us that their new headshot helped them land the job they really wanted.

A good headshot helps you communicate who you are and what you do, so take some time to think about the tone that you would like to convey with your portrait. Depending on the culture of your business, you may want to look trendy and creative, or more conservative and formal.

Here are some tips to help you create a professional impression:

  • Don’t be a gray bubble on your LinkedIn profile. According to LinkedIn, profiles with photos get 21 times more attention than those without a headshot.
  • Enlist the help of a professional. A skilled photographer will try to learn a little bit about you, and then choose lighting, backgrounds, and poses to create a headshot that will convey the best of your personality and professionalism.
  • Dress for success. Think about your wardrobe and choose an outfit for the kind of job or work connection you want.
  • Keep your headshot photo up to date. Your photo should reflect how you look today in order to add credibility when you meet your new connection in person.

You may cherish that photo of you cuddling your favorite fur-baby (or that beer with your friends at the bar) but using a cute snapshot for a business headshot? Don’t do it.

After all, in today’s image-happy, digital world, your photo is your first chance to connect with potential employers or business partners. Take the time and make the investment to get a good polished and professional headshot. In today’s market, it’s essential in making a good first impression.

Guest Blogger
Barb Schwartz

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