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(Photo: Intern Natalie Moog, Coach Erin Kinnison, Coach Emily Smith and CEO Shelly Stotzer)

For my internship this spring, through the Entrepreneurial Business Academy at Thomas Worthington High School, there was a lot of freedom as to where I was allowed to intern at and what my role could be. I chose Crosworks because I knew it would prepare me for the business world and possibly give me an insight on what I want to do outside of high school and college. 

Crosworks was my first business-related “job” and I couldn’t have had a better experience. 

I practiced functional skills, such as communication, time management and productivity, but I found the ability to work with others just as important. The team at Crosworks is so welcoming and helpful which I believe helped the quality of my work. I was excited to go into the office just as much whether I had a more intensive project or when I worked on organizational work. With such great team members, it’s no wonder I enjoyed going into the office.

One of my favorite parts about Crosworks was completing the Birkman™ assessment. It guided me towards possible careers and also how to manage my work effectively and be as productive as possible. It taught me many things about myself that I never would’ve realized, which will definitely help me when I’m finalizing my college major and when I’m looking for a job. 

Thinking of a local business to work for was a breeze and, when Crosworks came to mind, it was a done deal. Shelly Stotzer is not only a family friend of mine, but an entrepreneur I greatly admire. Working for her was so insightful into all parts of the business and she provided me with wonderful knowledge that I will expand on in the future. 

Thanks, Crosworks team!

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